"why we do, what we do, defines who we are"

Howdy! I am Arif Arman.

I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, TX, USA. I completed my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in CSE from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Previously I worked as a Lecturer in the Department of CSE at United International University (UIU), and as a Software Engineer at REVE Systems Ltd.

My primary research interests are information retrieval at a large scale, high-performance computing and sorting, algorithm optimization, and data mining. I am also fond of computational geometry, spatial databases and systems dealing with location based services. I have authored and co-authored papers in prestigious international conferences including ASPLOS, VLDB, CIKM and ADC.

Currently I am working with Professor Dmitri Loguinov in the Internet Research Lab (IRL) at TAMU on a high-performance sort that focuses on reducing bottlenecks caused by several CPU components and inefficient code generation by the compiler. I am also working on a streaming framework that provides the programmer with a seemingly infinite buffer.

C/C++ is my favorite programming language as I love to write programs that tries to squeeze maximum performance out of the underlying system and architecture. I turn to Python now and then for scripting and analytics tasks.

In my leisure I like to photograph, play guitar and ukulele, read books, and travel!

Thank you for visiting my website! You may find my updated CV here. Here are some other networks to get to know more about me:

Current Mailing Addrees:

Email: arman [at] tamu [dot] edu

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Room #211, Internet Research Lab (IRL)
L.F. Peterson Building (PETR)
Texas A&M University, 435 Nagle St.
College Station, TX 77843

Recent News ...

[09.23] Passed my preliminary exam. Officialy a Ph.D. candidate now!
[09.22] Presented "Origami" at VLDB 2022 [Slides]
[06.22] Invited talk on "Origami" at Microsoft Research Gray Systems Lab [Slides]
[11.21] Codebase for "Origami" published in: GitHub
[09.21] Our paper "Origami: A High-Performance Mergesort Framework" got accepted in PVLDB Vol 15!
[06.21] Will be working as a Summer Intern at Google SysInfra.
[08.20] Will be working as the Teaching Assistant for CSCE 612: Networks and Distributed Processing and CSCE 313H: Introduction to Computer Systems (honors).
[12.19] Our paper "Vortex: Extreme-Performance Memory Abstractions for Data-Intensive Streaming Applications" got accepted in ACM ASPLOS 2020!
[08.18] Starting my Ph.D. in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Dmitri Loguinov at Texas A&M University.