
CSI 228: Algorithms Lab, Fall 2017

Course Teacher
Arif Arman
Department of CSE, United International University
Room: 116 Email: arman@cse.uiu.ac.bd

Class Time
Section SB Sunday, 2:10 PM - 4:50 PM Computer Lab 10

Introduction to Algorithms, Third edition
Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein, Thomas H. Cormen, and Ronald Rivest

1. Class Attendance - 5%
2. Online (Mock) - 20%
3. Online (Exam) - 40%
4. Offline - 15%
5. Final Quiz - 20%

Course Schedule

Week 01 : Online Practice 1: Recursion Basics

Week 02 : Online Exam 1: Recursion, Sorting
Offline 01: [Contents]

Week 03 : Online Practice 2: Divide and Conquer

Week 04 : Online Exam 2: Divide and Conquer
Offline 02: [Contents]

Week 05 : Offline 02 Evaluation

Week 06 : Online Practice 3: Dynamic Programming

Week 07 : Online Exam 3: Dynamic Programming

Week 08 : Online Practice 4: BFS, DFS

Week 09 : Online Exam 4: BFS, DFS

Week 10 : Online Exam 5: BFS, DFS

Week 11 : Online Practice 5: Single Source Shortest Paths